Zombie Tucker's Page


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The Ledgend of Mr. Sebek
Reflection on life...

Other Zombie Pages and Places of Interest

Here are some other good sites

Zombie Sean

Zombie Bob

Dan's Page 'O' Fun

This is my friend Kali's site. It used to have this thing called "Stupid Quotes by Stupid People" but someone got mad said it was slander or something so now it's just called "quotes" I think. Well now that you know what it's really called go to the site and read the crap that we have to deal with every day.


Robot Frank has a very funny site. I didn't ask him if I could put a link to it on my page, but I think he will be cool with it. Either that or he will use the Robot Death Attack (punch, punch, smash) one me.


Funny online cartoons. Frog in a Blender, Napster Bad, Monkey Looker, and more.